Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Why I started this blog

The obvious reason for why I would start a blog like this is so I can winge and complain about my employer and/or customers. This is only partly true.
There are a lot times when I would like to explain what I have done and why while fixing a photocopier to a customer but they either don't seem to care or are not technically minded enough to understand. This leaves me feeling frustrated that I can't boast about finding a tricky fault or rant about how the engineers who designed these machines should be thrown out a window.
I can't talk to my co-workers about these things that interest me during a common day as they have their own problems and couldn't care less about my insignificant muttering. This is fair really since I don't want to hear about all their jobs either.
And like all married men my wife doesn't really care about what I do all day but just wants me to listen to her tell me about the trouble the kids caused or the latest rummors about the neighbors when I get home.
So I am turning to the internet to vent my thoughts. Maybe someone will read this one day or maybe it will sit on a server somewhere collecting dust. Doesn't matter really.

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