I have been called to a Bizhub C554e that won't print in colour. On my way here I was thinking that it must be either a driver error or a documents printing defaults problem. However when I arrived I was shown the machine and it clearly has a message that no colour printing is available.
This can happen if the copier is out of a colour toner or one of the imaging drums or developing units is far past its end of life. Except we turn this setting off for all new copiers we install.
So I checked the toner levels and the unit life values and they are all OK but when I select full colour for a copy the machine pops open a window to tell me that some units are past their end of life. The weird thing is that the machine won't tell me which units. The window is blank.
Since this seems to be a firmware problem I forced an unexpected cold restart (turned it off then on again) and now the copier will allow colour printing. So it is corrupted data in the memory somewhere. I don't know how this happened and have no way of knowing how to do it again but the machine is running an older firmware so I'll update it.
While the firmware was being prepared and then loading onto the machine I had a look around the OEMs support site and also Google to see if this is a common problem but found nothing. So I'll call this a first and hopefully it is also a last as well.
I had the same case, the problem was corrupted HDD